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What are the school hours?


What are the school hours?

Elementary school hours are 7:50 AM – 2:30 PM. Students may arrive beginning at 7:25 AM. Upon arrival, students will answer COVID-19 screener questions, take a grab-and-go breakfast if they would like, and report directly to their classrooms to organize themselves for the day and do morning work.  Students who arrive after 7:50 AM are tardy and must sign in at the main office with a parent/guardian. Students must be in their classrooms by 7:50.  Students arriving to the classroom after 7:50 are considered tardy.

What are arrival and dismissal procedures?

Students may arrive between 7:25 – 7:50 AM. Staff members and fifth grade safety patrol students will be stationed throughout the building to open doors and provide assistance. If there is no adult present to greet your child, you are either early and must wait until 7:25 or you are late and must park and escort your child to the front door.

In the afternoon:
Students who attend After School at Estes Hills will be escorted to their sign-in location by a staff member.
Bus riders will be escorted to the bus by a staff member.
Walkers will be escorted to the blacktop or the front of the school by a staff member.
Car riders will be escorted to the car circle by a staff member. Parents must remain in their cars as a staff members will assist all children. Within the first two weeks of school, cartags will be issued to families.  Each car tag should be displayed in the wndow of the car to allow for quick dismissal.  If you are in need of obtaining additional cartags, please contact Jaclyn Novotny at with the name of your child/ren, your child/ren's teacher and how many additional tags you would like to obtain. 


Who do I contact for...

PowerSchool Updates, Transfer Information, and Emergency Contact information:  Terri Emmerson

Payments for fieldtrips or other school events not associated with PTA:  Jacqueline Wilder

Vision screenings, medication distribution, allergies, health-related issues including COVID-19:  Evan Overton

Technology support, password assistance, account information: Hunter Pendleton

Media Center assistance:  Laura Fox

Counseling related issues including, but not limited to:  504 plans, Social and emotional health and well being, bullying, support groups, updates about family incidents that may impact a child's education: Kathryn Sutherland

Social worker issues including, but not limited to: Needs for food, supplies, connections with local businesses or doctors: Betsy Booth

IEP or MTSS related questions:  Jacqueline Holloman


What should I know about COVID-19?

Updated information will be given in alignment with the district's plans as per outlined in the Strong Schools Toolkit and Orange County Health Department.  If there are necessary changes that impact all students and families, they will be communicated through Connect-Ed calls and emails by either District Leadership or Ms. McCann.  The June 30th update can be found here, though we are waiting on a July update by the end of the week of 7/19.