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Library Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When is the library open?

A: The library is open daily from 7:25am until 2:30pm. 

Q: When can students come to check out books?

A: Estes Hills, like other CHCCS school libraries, operates on an open circulation policy. Staff members can bring students to the library for circulation at any time during the school day. Students may come on their own during supervised circulation times as noted on our library circulation calendar.

Q: How many books can students check out?

A: The number of books that students can check out is determined by their grade level. Kindergartners check out one book at a time and first graders can have up to two books at a time. Grades 2-5 may check out three books at a time.

Q: How long can students keep their books?

A: Materials can be kept for up to two weeks before they are due back to the library. Each book has a slip stamped with the due date. Students may renew an item once for an additional two weeks.

Q: What if a student has an overdue book?

A: At Estes Hills we don't charge fines for overdue books. I do send reminders home when a book is overdue. At the end of the second quarter students must clear their library accounts before checking out new items.

Q: What if a book is lost or damaged?

A: I understand that accidents happen! Students are expected to pay for lost and damaged books. Please come see me if there are special circumstances that may prevent payment for an item. If a lost book is found and returned during the same school year, I will send a refund home.