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Request for Student Absence

Estes Attendance Information

Children are considered late if they arrive in the classroom after 7:50 a.m.  If your child will be arriving late or will be absent for any reason, please phone the classroom at (919) 942-4753 + the teacher's extension. Teacher extensions are found on the Staff Directory.  Click on the teacher's name to see the extension. Please leave a message for the teacher.

Alternately, you may phone the data manager at (919) 942-4753 extension 30238, and leave a message which will be forwarded to the classroom.

Request for Absences for Education Opportunities

At Estes Hills Elementary School, we recognize that students may be absent due to travel opportunities or other educational experiences.  Parents may request that these absences be excused.   A student's overall attendance record will be considered in determining the number of days granted and whether or not  the request is approved or denied.  Family events such as weddings, reunions, etc. will not be considered.  We recognize that not all family events or vacations may fall under the category of an "educational opportunity" and anticipate that some students may have unexcused absences.   Please email Ms. McCann ( least 2 weeks before your trip to request an excused absence(s) for educational opportunities. You will be notified whether or not the absence(s) are excused.  Please keep in mind that excused and unexcused absences are part of a student's overall attendance record and an excessive number of absences can impact any student's academic performance.
Pamela McCann
Estes Hills Elementary School
(919) 942-4753 ext 30225